Zorro FVG

Hello Friend


// sleep FVG ///////////////////
#include <profile.c>
#include <stdio.h>

#define FVG_len 20
#define FVG_min 0.0025
#define FVG_plotHL false
#define FVG_plot true

typedef struct {
  int tf;       // Timeframe in min, e.g 240 (4H)
  bool bullish; // False = bearish
  double start;
  double half;
  double end;
  int expires; // How many bars FVG is valid for
               // struct FVG* child; // Pointer to another FVG struct
} FVG;

FVG *FVGs[1024];

function plotline(string n, double Price, int left, int right, int col) {
  plotGraph(n, left, Price, LINE, col); // FVG Start
  plotGraph(n, right, Price, LINE | END, col);

double FVG_compute(FVG fvg) {
  char n[32];
  var col = GREEN;
  if (!fvg.bullish) { // Bearish FVG
    sprintf(n, "%-dm", fvg.tf);
    col = RED;
  } else
    sprintf(n, "+%dm", fvg.tf);
  double half =
      fvg.start + (fvg.end - fvg.start) / fix0(2); // Avoid zero division

  if (FVG_plotHL) {

    plotline(n, fvg.start, 2, -FVG_len, BLACK); // FVG Start
    plotline(n, fvg.end, 0, -FVG_len, BLACK);   // FVG End

  sprintf(n, " HALF", fvg.tf);

  plotline(n, half, 1, -FVG_len, col); // FVG Start

  return half;

function run() {
  // BarPeriod = 240; // 4H
  Hedge = 2;             // Allow hedging
  set(LOGFILE, PLOTNOW); // log all trades
  StartDate = 20200101;
  // EndDate = 20150101;
  Verbose = 2;
  LookBack = 3; // Needed for FVG
  Capital = 100000;
  EntryTime = FVG_len;
  Risk = 1000;

  // vars HT_FVG = series(price),1440) //for later, going to implement MTF
  // FVG's. - sleep

  if (priceC(1) > priceO(1)) { // Bullish FVG
    if (priceL(0) >= priceH(2) + FVG_min) {

      FVG fvg;
      fvg.tf = BarPeriod;
      fvg.bullish = true;
      fvg.start = priceH(2);
      fvg.end = priceL(0);
      fvg.expires = FVG_len;

      FVGs[0] = &fvg;

      printf("\n%d\n", FVGs[0]->start);

      Entry = FVG_compute(fvg) - priceC(0);
      Stop = priceL(1);
      TakeProfit = 0.01;
  } else if (priceH(0) + FVG_min <= priceL(2)) { // Bearish FVG

    FVG fvg;
    fvg.tf = BarPeriod;
    fvg.bullish = false;
    fvg.start = priceL(2);
    fvg.end = priceH(0);
    fvg.expires = FVG_len;

    FVGs[0] = &fvg;

    printf("\n%d\n", FVGs[0]->start);

    Entry = priceC(0) - FVG_compute(fvg);
    Stop = priceH(1);
    TakeProfit = 0.01;

function main() {

  // vars FVGs[1000]